Buying hangers? Never again! – Free from H&M


H&M is one of my favourite stores. Along with their email sign up discount that I wrote about in my previous blog, you also get hangers for #free. Never again do you need to buy hangers for yourself or your kids.

Going to anystore – pick a store – purchasing a 10 pack of hangers is about $7.00. Well, who just buys a ten pack of hangers? Then you want all your hangers to match – suddenly you are purchasing 100 new hangers! 100 new hangers multiple by $7….means you need a better option. At H&M they have boxes behind the check out tills full of hangers. You don’t need to purchase anything just go to the till and ask for hangers. It saves you a ton of money!

And who loves to hang up cute little baby items but you either don’t have any baby cloths fitting hangers or the money to waste on purchasing baby cloths hangers? H&M will give as many as you like!


Needing some hangers? Head on down to H&M and pick some up today! It’s free!