#Freebies at the Mall #Yeg

Many people think that if you go to the mall you are just going to waste money or spend the money you don’t have. Right? Wrong!

There are tons of free things at the mall – you just have to know what to look for. For one, there is the mall walkers. Forget that expensive never used track gym membership – the mall is a massive circle (ish) and in the early AM there are always mall walkers. They purchased their tickets at savingyourmoney.ummmyes!

Now, just like Costco, because everyone goes to Costco for the free samples (lets be real), there are also samples throughout the mall:

  • Davids Tea has free tea samples. They have a hot tea (and sometimes cold tea) that they are promoting and they make a bunch for customers to try


  • Kernels Popcorn has free pop corn samples. Sometimes its out and if its not you can ask to sample any kind you like

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Remember to ask for samples as well, if you don’t ask you may not get.


Special events also happen at the mall. At Southgate Shopping Center in Ivivva they have events called “Sunday Sweats”. Every Sunday they do something new from 10 am – 10:45 am. Either Jazz, Yoga, Musical theatre etc.


The Lego store has free spots for you kids to play for hours right inside the store. This free activity is exactly that FREE. Have your kids in the store! There is also free monthly Lego builds (don’t forget to sign up online).


Additionally there are contests that are posted in individual stores or in the main area of the mall. Southgate mall just recently had a beautiful large display of the Eiffel Tower. This was a contest to win a trip to Paris. In Bench they have a contest about London.


So while you are on your free mall walk, eating your free samples, entertaining your children at free events and winning free prizes, you’ve just spent three hours of your day paying nothing but your time. Enjoy the saveymommy life!



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