Happy New Year 2022

In mid November I thought back on the year, while started the process of my Christmas cards, and in my mind this year was not very good. I thought nothing happened and it was terrible. However, for the past two years I chose to record everything that I was proud of, everything that brought me joy and everything that truly was amazing for me and my family. So once I actually looked back on what I had recorded I realized that 2021 was actually a pretty amazing year!

Goal for 2022 that I would set for you is to make a way to record your happy joyful events. Post them to Instagram or make a gratitude journal to look back on in December of 2022. I’m sure you will be amazed at how fabulous your year was!

If you are starting this year with struggles and hard times know that you are LOVED! Your life matters! You are AMAZING!!! Never give up.

Don’t loose hope in this 2022 year but surround yourself with people who love you, who are looking out for you and who want the best for you. Take note of programs (especially FREE ones) and take part in the ones that help you, help the community and bring JOY!

Here are some FREE events going on in and around Edmonton:

January 3 – Creative Writing

January 4 – Knitting

January 4 – Prayer

January 5 – Documentary Dialogue

January 6 – Painting

January 8 – Free Fitness Blood Donation (4th annual)

January 9 – Weekend Services